Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 6

I've already lost 5 lbs! Here's what I've ate today!

Breakfast: 2 pieces of chicken breast lunchmeat and an apple
Lunch: Chipotle Chicken Bowl (Grilled chicken, green pepers, pico de gallo, and lettuce)
Snack-A couple pieces of beef jerky
Dinner: I'm going to have Steak Fajitas with just Steak strips, onion, green pepper, and tomato!

I also found a really good beverage combination!

Tejava (unsweetened black tea) mixed with Lemon Perrier and 3 packs of Truvia = Lemon tea!

ashley xox

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fall 2013

Starting a new program on Saturday! More updates to come! My 2 day binge is starting Thursday! I cannot wait to get the rest of this weight off!

ashley xox