Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back On!!

Today is day 2 of my binge, and I've decided to start this 3rd round of the protocol, once again! I hope that my maintenance in the middle of the protocol helped jump start my weight loss! I have my next appt, next Monday. I cannot "Weight" to hear how many inches and I pounds I will have lost by then.

ashley xox

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I've been on maintenance for almost a few weeks now and it's going great! I've been sticking to less than 1200 calories and I even do Zumba Fitness Core on my Wii! I have lost 7 inches and 6 pounds! I still go to the clinic for checkups because I like to know how many inches I'm losing! My next check up is next Friday and I hope to have lost another 3 lbs by then! I hope all is well with everyone's programs or Bouari Protocols!

ashley xox