Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 7 (2 Binge days + 5 diet days)

Woke up this morning, I am down a total of 9.4 pounds!!! I've been sticking to the foods in the book and I eat 5 times a day, and when I have evening urges, I drink a vitamin water or some water, instead of snacking on veggies or fruit after 8pm!

Also, I was watching Anderson Live a few days ago and Dr. Ramani Durvasula has a book called "You are WHY you eat" (click the link for more info) and She is saying most people overeat because of emotions instead of actually being hungry. So before you get that snack after lunch or in the evening, ask yourself the FLABS test. "Am I eating because I'm Frustrated, Lonely, Anxious, Bored, or Sad!?" Don't let your emotions make you eat when you're not hungry, because food can't heal them!

ashley xox

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