Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just Incase...

If you're wondering, I am still alive hahah! Its 2:44am but I had to tell you all great things! I know its been a couple days, but I'm now at 33.2 pounds lost and I'm excited to say that  is 10% of my overall body weight GONE!!! I'm really excited, because studies show that losing just 10% of your body weight can increase your health dramatically! I'm really happy to check the scale when I wake up because not only did I work out yesterday but I started a new job and its really demanding on the body. I sweated for 5 hours at work! Until next time lovelies!

Ashley xox


  1. AWESOME! its BunNaan from youtube, Im on day 18 and Ive lost 21.5 lbs and 8 inches. Weightlost been slowing down already Ive been fluctuating the past few days, so i went and got prunes like you and yesterday stopped in my clinic to get some of that aloe lax, so Ill see what happens in the next few days

    1. Thats great! Yeah i kinda eased up on the prunes, because I heard we cant have dried fruits lol but If I'm feeling a little "irregular" I will have 1 or 2 prunes! In addition, the aloe lax is great!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Talibah for still checking up on me!!! :))
